Distilled in the heart of Zurich, Turicum Gin is crafted in small batches. The London dry label guarantees the unique flavor which is obtained through the re-distillation in traditional stills in the presence of all natural ingredients and water, with no additional sweetening.
Turicum Gins produced by Better Taste GmbH were recognized and awarded medals at the 2019 CWSA Awards held in Hong Kong. The CWSA (China Wine & Spirits Awards) is the biggest & most prestigious wine & spirits competition in China. ALL 100 the Judges are carefully selected for being the top BUYERS of wines and spirits for this market and are importers, distributors, retailers and sommeliers’. Wines and spirits enter from 55 countries and are ‘blind tasted’.
Turicum Gin is a London Dry Gin which takes its name from Turicum, Zurich‘s ancient name in Roman times. Distilled in the heart of Zurich, the botanicals used in Turicum Gin are selected with great care. Locally sourced and handpicked ingredients shape the gin‘s unique character - a tribute to the city‘s origins. Discerning taste, clear color, unexpected flavor. Turicum – Handcrafted in Zurich
Turicum – The Spirit of Zurich 2019 CWSA Award Winner
Posted on Aug 31, 2019 |
Posted in News |
Swiss House Shop congratulates Better Taste GmbH for the medals won at the 2019 CWSA awards held in Hong Kong for their superior Turicum Gins