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Weinkellerei Rahm - 'Sauser' Stadium Pasteurised (1 L)

Weinkellerei Rahm - 'Sauser' Stadium Pasteurised (1 L)

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Weinkellerei Rahm - 'Sauser' **Stadium, Pasteurized

Bottle, 1 L (alcoholic strength: 1.5%)

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

SKU: 1062.2.3.1
Product Description


    Weinkellerei Rahm - "Sauser" **Stadium

    The Sauser production takes place in autumn and has a long tradition at the Weinkellerei Rahm.

    At first, yeast is added to the freshly pressed grapes to allow the fermentation process to begin. This is the first winery in Switzerland applying the high-short-time pasteurization process for the production of the Sauser to stop the fermentation process and to make the Sauser durable. The result is a light-sour Sauser with a fine fermentation-bouquet.

    Grape provenance: Italy and France

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    Additional Information

    Canton of Manufacture Schaffhausen
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